Thursday, July 12, 2012

TechSmith Product Review: Jing

If you don't know about Jing, continue reading. Jing is a screen capture utility, from TechSmith (makers of Camtasia), which allows you to share images/video of your screen with others. The free version allows you to record for 5 minutes, which is a great way to keep your message simple and to the point.
Here's where you can find Jing:
Here's a sample of a recent recording I did using Jing:

View on »
I've used this method of screensharing for the following use cases:
  • Share insights regarding particular products of interest with your peers in a hands on kind of way
  • Demo your app to coworkers, customers and investors
  • Create short tutorials illustrating users product features and capabilities
I recently came across ( which takes screen capture in your app to a whole another level. Make sure to check it out.

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