Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Perils of CrossFit

Summer 2012 rolled around and I found myself bored with my usual training regimen. I was not only looking to get into shape, but wanted to push myself past physical and mental limitations. About 5 months ago, I joined CrossFit Eagle Rock.

Overall, CrossFit has made me realize several things which extend to other parts of life.

  1. You will fail...but there is only 1 way to achieve success, repetition. 
  2. There are many reasons to stop...it's up to you to find 1 reason to keep going. The WHY in life is often more important than the WHAT or the HOW. Why are you doing this?
  3. Rome wasn't built in 1 day and neither will your fitness. It takes discipline, persistence, and hard work to achieve your goals. 
  4. Fly wheel effect. Small victories will lead to incredible results over time. 
  5. The power of a team. You're only as good as the people you train with. Your team members give you motivation, encouragement, and a set of benchmarks to measure your progress relative to others.
  6. Integrity. Don't cheat. If you do, you'll only be cheating yourself.

Check out this video of one of the endurance classes I took with Jason.

1 comment:

  1. run armen run! ...thats the only part missing in the video ;)


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