Thursday, July 12, 2012

TechSmith Product Review: Jing

If you don't know about Jing, continue reading. Jing is a screen capture utility, from TechSmith (makers of Camtasia), which allows you to share images/video of your screen with others. The free version allows you to record for 5 minutes, which is a great way to keep your message simple and to the point.
Here's where you can find Jing:
Here's a sample of a recent recording I did using Jing:

View on »
I've used this method of screensharing for the following use cases:
  • Share insights regarding particular products of interest with your peers in a hands on kind of way
  • Demo your app to coworkers, customers and investors
  • Create short tutorials illustrating users product features and capabilities
I recently came across ( which takes screen capture in your app to a whole another level. Make sure to check it out.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Making Yourself Irreplacable

Are you invaluable? What about your value to your market place? the people who have the greatest value have used the following 6 factors to get there:

1. Savvy: Knowledge & Intuition 

2. Ability: How well can you do what you're supposed to do

3. Irreplaceability: How easy is it to replace you?

4. Focus: ability to eliminate distractions

5. Connection: build professional relationships

6. Authority: Are you an expert in your field?

Think of your activities throughout the day falling into 2 buckets. Most Valuable Activities (MVA) & Least Valuable Activities (LVA). It goes without saying that you should maximize your MVA while minimizing your LVA.

It is easy to become reactive to your coworkers, losing focus on your long term career focus and career strategy. Write down your destination. Re-assess yourself every few months to determine if your MVAs are helping you get to your ultimate destination.

Have a look at the notes I've taken about how to make yourself irreplaceable

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